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美[ˌtrɪsɪ'læbɪk]  英[ˌtrɪsɪ'læbɪk]
adj.  三音节的


  1. For this reason, trisyllabic sandhi patterns can also be viewed as “1+(2+3)” patterns. 因此,三字组的这种连调模式也可以看作是”1+(2+3)”的模式。
  2. As a poetic form in Chinese poetry, the trisyllabic verse has been ignored in the academic circle over a long period. 摘要在中国诗歌体裁中,三言是一种极少受到关注的类型。
  3. A trisyllabic metrical foot having one accented or long syllable between two unaccented or short syllables, as in the word remember. 短长短三音节音步一种三音节音步,在两个非重读音节或短音节中间夹着一个重读音节或长音节,如单词remember
  4. An approach of the pitch detection for obtaining speech tone of Chinese trisyllabic words on the basis of the wavelet transforms is proposed . 给出了一种基于小波变换的汉语三字词基音提取方法。
  5. This article, from the perspectives of the function and form, ferrets out the rise and decline of the trisyllabic verse in Han and Wei dynasties and the close relation to the heptasyllabic verse. 三言在汉魏兴衰的原因可以归结为表现功能和体式原理两方面,并且与七言体有密切的关系。
  6. But it's the place where a new series of myths will be created, and the name of Wembley will again echo in trisyllabic glory in the hearts and minds of England and the footballing world. 但在这里新的传奇系列仍将被创造。温布利的名字仍会被光荣地铭记在英格兰和整个足球世界里。