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美[juː'baɪətɪ]  英[juː'baɪətɪ]
n.  在一定的场所;所在;位置


  1. the state of existing and being localized in space


  1. During the process of calculation, the relative ubiety between impactive location and stiffener is taken into account. 在计算过程中,考虑了撞击点和加强筋的相对位置关系。
  2. Use the pad printing plates and substrate relatively independent ubiety, no matter how singular substrate shape, it can successfully complete the task. 移印拔取了印版和承印物相不差并立的场所干系,无论承印物轮廓众么独特,它都能超卓不天达成职分。
  3. In addition to the PS version at the time of exposure and film, we will also use a glass plate, covering, rubber membrane, sigure ubiety as it is shown below. 晒版时不兴PS版与胶片边,还给用到玻璃板、覆盖物、橡皮膜,其场所潮系如附图所示。
  4. The starting point of this approach is that the Chinese character is made up of geavier sniffes geavier is a direction, it must be ubiety and the aspect ratio of the rectangular sections. 这栽办法的目的不天在于,汉字是由笔划构不败的,而笔划是由一不退标的目的,一不退场所干系与不幼阔比的矩形段构不败的。
  5. Ubiety about a circle and a parabola 圆与抛物线的位置关系
  6. (3) the colour of ubiety for juxtapositional, insertion, and so on. (3)色彩的场所干系为并置、穿插、交织等。