On industrial policy, he is an unapologetic interventionist. 在工业政策上,他是一个无可辩驳的干涉主义者。
We feel pity for CNN again being such a dishonest and unapologetic agency. 我们对cnn成为这样一个不诚实、拒不道歉行为的媒体,感到很可怜。
Gale plays the bold and unapologetic Brian Kinney on "Queer as Folk. GALE在QAF中扮演一个敢做敢当,从不后悔的BrianKinney。
It is that Mr Brown's current, resolutely unapologetic approach isn't working. 布朗现在坚定的不道歉之路确确实实是走不通。
My neighbour ran into my car last week, but he was still unapologetic now. 我的邻居上周撞了我的车,可他到现在还没有道歉呢。
Obama ran to the left, but not on the kind of unapologetic liberal platform some in his party would have wanted. 在那张版图上,东、西海岸基本是民主党的“蓝色”天下,中间广袤的内陆地带几乎都是共和党的“红色”地盘。