The date of origin of this name is unascertainable. 这个名称起于何时,已经无从稽考了。
The cause of dinosaur extinction is still unascertainable today. 现在恐龙灭绝的原因仍无法确定。
It consists of speculations on matters as to which definite kownledge has, so far, been unascertainable. 但它思考的问题却是神学式的,是不确切的知识,是至今为止还没有找到答案的。
Lastly, fuzzy monitoring index and random monitoring index of displacement are presented for the unascertainable boundary conditions and mechanics parameters. 针对边界条件、力学参数等的不确定性,研究了模糊监控指标和随机监控指标的应用。