Besides being unprofessional, such undiplomatic behavior limits the possibility for future projects and negotiations. 除了表现出不专业以外,这种不老练的行为限制了将来项目和谈判的可能性。
Wah (Andy Lau) is an unkempt, uneducated and undiplomatic guy who is doomed to be a loser of love. 阿华(刘德华)自小在庙街长大,读书少,不修边幅,注定为爱情失败者。
Mr Ban was asked what he thought of such undiplomatic sideswipes at the Bush administration. 潘基文被问及对于与布什政府如此的非外交擦撞有何感想。
The White House condemned the scenes at Tripoli airport in unusually undiplomatic language. 白宫以异常非外交语言谴责了发生在的黎波里机场的一幕。
REP: So it's not just timber that provoked that undiplomatic remark from Mr.Martin. 记者:所以,并不仅仅是木材纠纷驱使马丁总理摒弃外交辞令。
During the concluding remarks, as each speaker praised the next, only the chief U.S. official on the scene drew an undiplomatic response. 在致闭幕词的时候,与会的每一位发言人都对此表示称赞,惟独美国官方代表作出了毫无外交策略的回应。