Introduces the application of PC programmable controller at uniflow high-speed elevator, and the principle of controlling uniflow high-speed elevator. 介绍PC可编程控制器及其在直流高速电梯上的应用,及直流高速电梯的控制原理。
The pulse pump is a new-type pump, in which the fluid successively flows out in one direction by means of the pulse effect in the uniflow pipe. 泵中流态单一,能量转换效率高,单级扬程范围较广。泵出流连续、流量较大而无气蚀危险。
At present, the bilateral resource flow more displays for South Korea to China's uniflow, does not favor the lasting stable development which both sides cooperate. 目前,双方的资金流动更多地表现为韩国对中国的单向流动,不利于双方合作的持久稳固发展。
The Study on Three Characteristic of Uniflow in Soft Wall Cleanroom 软围挡洁净区的单向流三要素研究