Untalented sports team often resort to dirty tricks to win. 没有天分的运动队伍常常用不当手法来赢取比赛。
She's FAT, unappealing, untalented, delusional, and psychopathic. 她又肥,又丑,又烂,还有妄想症和神经病。
Untalented sports teams often resort to dirty tricks to win. 没有天分的运动队伍常常用不当手法来赢取比赛。
This man symbolizeseverything wrong with Britain - a deeply untalented buffoon, with athoroughly sinister interior. 这家伙象征着英国所有糟糕的东西----一个完全没有天赋的小丑,内心丑恶。
Minneapolis, which was the first city this season, seemed to have an overabundance of untalented people. 这一季的首站,明尼阿波利斯市似乎都是些没有才华的人?