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美[ʌn'wɪtnɪst]  英[ʌn'wɪtnɪst]
adj.  未被观察到的(未被注意的)


  1. Unwitnessed daylight hours are just about tolerable. 无人可以作证的白天时间几乎是能挨得过去的。
  2. Your life will not go unwitnessed, because I will be your witness. 你的生命不会没有见证,因为我在见证。”
  3. This unwitnessed signature was declined by the court as an evidence. 法庭拒绝拿这个无人证明的签名作为证据。
  4. The meeting with the lonely woman on the previous Saturday night had been unwitnessed and unspoken of. 上个星期六和那个孤伶伶的女人的邂逅也许无人目击,事后也没被谈及。
  5. It means, your life will not be going unnoticed, because I will notice it;your life will not be unwitnessed, because I will be your witness. 尽管是普通人,青史无可留名,只要有你为我铭记,已餍足。
  6. He touches life in his real experience and imagines that the true human life should be the genuine process of history, often unwitnessed, but eternal. 他通过自己的生命体验去还原和想象在历史进程中那些充满人性意味的生命历程,呈现“历史”之外的永恒人生。