a short pointed beard (named after the artist Anthony Vandyke)
Vandyke A type of dyeline proof commonly used in American.Also called Brownline.Brownprint. 云棣稿样美国流行的一种染料稿样。亦称棕稿样。
Brownprint(Brownline): Also known as Vandyke or brownline.A term mainly used in America for proofs produced by contact. 棕稿样:美国惯用的术语,指用接触晒印造成的稿样。亦称云棣稿样。
A Vandyke beard. 下巴上的短尖髯
A Vandyke collar. 锯齿形宽衣领
Scott VanDyke, Van Nostrand Reihold, From line to design 3rd-Edition, A Division of Wadsworth, Inc., Bardon, 1991 范振湘、张圣陶译,室内设计图解,六合出版社,台北,1996