"audacious visions of the total conquest of space" "an audacious interpretation of two Jacobean dramas" "the most daring of contemporary fiction writers" "a venturesome investor" "a venturous spirit"
Venturous innovation, stylish design and best quality is our constant target. “品质第一,信誉至上”是我们的服务宗旨。
Skydiving is a hazardous sport; extremely risky going out in the tide and fog; a venturesome journey in wintertime; a venturous enterprise. 跳伞是一项冒险的运动;在涨潮及有雾时外出是极端冒险的;冬季冒险旅行;大胆的计划。
TITANIA I have a venturous fairy that shall seek The squirrel's hoard, and fetch thee new nuts. 提泰妮娅:我有一个善于冒险的小神仙,可以给你到松鼠的仓里取些新鲜的榛栗来。
Lands always take the lead in the road of development that's in that Lands members are as united and venturous as wolves. 利家居的发展永远领先与他人、是因为利家居拥有狼一样的团结、拼搏精神。
Since venturous woman led the way in the sin which brought forth Paradise lost, she, and she alone, ushers in the Regainer of Paradise. 每个信徒都可学像耶稣基督,所以每个信徒都可称为小基督,让我们快乐地常思想救主荣耀的诞生吧!
Food, temperature and predation pressure directly act on the value of venturous revenue and are major environmental factors affecting DVM of the copepod. 食物、温度和捕食压力直接影响风险收益值的大小,是影响桡足类垂直迁移的主要环境因子。