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美[ˌvɪktə'mɒlədʒiː]  英[ˌvɪktɪ'mɒlədʒɪ]
n.  被害者研究


  1. The relationship between victimology and criminology is a longstanding issue within the academic realm. 摘要被害入学与犯罪学之间的关系问题是学界的一个宿疑。
  2. Beyond seas, along with the rise of victimology, lots of countries have made great progress in legislation of the crime victim compensation program. 国家补偿制度与国家赔偿制度二者在受偿主体、受偿事由以及条件上均存在着很大差异。
  3. As well, many related basic theories among criminology, criminal law science, criminal policy, victimology and so on, are commented through the research. 其中包含互动论、系统论和结构论等哲学辩证法观念,并涉入到传统的犯罪学、刑法学、刑事政策学和被害人学等学科中诸多的基础理论问题。
  4. However, this situation has been changed by the impact of female rights movement.The feminist work in criminology and victimology represents one of the most important advances in the field. 然而,此一状况在妇女运动之后,有了明显的变化,女性主义观点的犯罪学与被害者学,平衡了以往不完整的学术与实务观点,丰富了刑事司法的合理性,而成为犯罪学与被害者学中最重要的主流之一。
  5. Dialectic View on the Relationship between Victimology and Criminology 被害人学与犯罪学之间关系的辩证思索
  6. victimology and criminology is a longstanding issue within the academic realm. 摘要被害入学与犯罪学之间的关系问题是学界的一个宿疑。