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美[vɪ'lætɪk]  英[vɪ'lætɪk]
adj.  别墅的;村壮的;田园的


  1. This is villatic porch together share a space. 这一块是别墅玄关的共享空间。
  2. Then, a lot of people, have a kind of villatic complex. 于是,很多人,有一种别墅情结。
  3. It is villatic likewise, still differ somewhat between villa and villa. 同样是别墅,别墅与别墅之间还有所不同。
  4. Differ with the imagination of most person, of archaize style use not bureau be confined to is villatic. 与大多数人的想象不同,仿古风格的使用不局限于别墅。
  5. At present the country suspends villatic project approving the ground, the likelihood makes a turning point. 目前国家暂停别墅项目批地,可能成为一个契机。
  6. F.Project of the world villa covers an area of 3160 mus, be China in the pure villatic area with the largest area. F.;天下别墅项目占地3160亩,是华中地区最大的纯别墅区。