Blake is said to be a visionless leader, but I don't think so. 人们说布莱克是个没头脑的领导人,但我不这么认为。
Clearly the combination of a very un-innovative business culture, visionless management and overly generous labor contracts explains a lot of it. 死气沉沉的商业文化,鼠目寸光的管理,以及冗余的人员解释了所有一切。
So, having announced to myself that the dungeon trawl is dead, I'm pleased to confess that I'm a slavering visionless moron, and it's Hellgate: London that put me in my place. 本来,我告诉自己那种在地下城里潜行探索的体验已经不复存在,现在我坦白之前我只是个没有眼光的笨蛋,是暗黑之门让我有了新的认识和看法。