process of treating rubber or rubberlike materials with sulphur at great heat to improve elasticity and strength or to harden them
Magnesium oxyde used as vulcanisation and stabilisation agent.Test methods. 标准/规范英文名: Raw materials for the rubber industry.
Vulcanisation is the method or process of treating crude rubber with sulphur and subjecting it to intense heat. 他们的发明可以令制造胶制品的成本大大减低,同时亦能够大量生产品质可靠的胶类制品,当中亦包括安全套。
The revolutionary rubber vulcanisation process invented by Goodyear and Hancock, made it possible to mass produce more reliable and less expensive products including condoms. 由固特异及汉考克所发明的橡胶硬化制程,为制造安全套带来了革命性的改变。