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美[waɪp]  英[waɪp]
v.  擦;揩;抹;拭去;消除;用力打
n.  擦拭;抹布
  过去式:wiped  过去分词:wiped  现在分词:wiping  第三人称单数:wipes


  1. 擦,揩,拭
  2. 涂上,抹上
  3. 揩干,擦净
  4. 去除,消灭,消除
  5. <俚>打,揍
  6. 用…揩,用…擦
  7. 【机】拭接(铅管的接头)以皮垫涂敷焊料做(铅管的接头)
  8. 擦去,抹掉,抹去
  9. 擦(卡),把在电脑终端上一擦
  10. 雪(耻)
  11. 杀死,暗杀
  12. 一笔勾销
  13. 把…打得一败涂地
  1. 擦,拭,揩
  2. 揩擦的人
  3. 揩擦的东西,抹布
  4. <俚>打,猛击
  5. 拒绝
  6. 手巾,手绢儿,纸巾
  7. 铅管接头试接
  8. 辊式挤锌装置
  9. 嘲笑


  1. vt. & vi. 擦,拭,抹; 擦去,拭去,抹去 rub sth with cloth, paper, hands, etc. to clean or dry it
  1. [C] 擦,拭,揩,抹,搽 act of wiping


  1. the act of rubbing or wiping;

    "he gave the hood a quick rub"

  1. rub with a circular motion;

    "wipe the blackboard" "He passed his hands over the soft cloth"


  1. wipe a bike擦自行车
  2. wipe a car擦汽车
  3. wipe a dish擦碟子
  4. wipe a glass擦杯子
  5. wipe a pane of glass擦玻璃
  6. wipe a stain擦去污点
  7. wipe a table擦桌子
  8. wipe dirty marks擦去脏痕
  9. wipe footprints擦掉脚印
  10. wipe grease擦去油渍
  11. wipe one's chin擦下巴
  12. wipe one's eyes擦眼睛
  13. wipe one's face擦脸
  14. wipe one's feet擦脚
  15. wipe one's hands擦手
  16. wipe one's mouth擦嘴巴
  17. wipe one's neck擦脖子
  18. wipe one's nose擦鼻子
  19. wipe one's tears擦眼泪
  20. wipe shoes擦鞋
  21. wipe spit擦口水
  22. wipe sweat擦汗珠
  23. wipe the dust擦去灰尘
  24. wipe the floor擦地板
  25. wipe the furniture擦家具
  26. wipe the mud擦去泥
  27. wipe the washing-up bowl把洗的碗揩干
  28. wipe windowpanes擦窗玻璃
  1. wipe abruptly突然地擦
  2. wipe absent-mindedly心不在焉地擦
  3. wipe cautiously细心地擦
  4. wipe cleverly灵活地擦
  5. wipe completely彻底擦去
  6. wipe confusedly慌乱地擦
  7. wipe cunningly巧妙地擦
  8. wipe deftly巧妙地擦
  9. wipe dictatorially专横地擦
  10. wipe eagerly急切地擦
  11. wipe gently轻轻擦
  12. wipe gradually渐渐抹掉
  13. wipe hastily草草地擦
  14. wipe instantaneously即刻擦
  15. wipe mechanically呆板地擦
  16. wipe noiselessly悄悄地擦
  17. wipe occasionally偶尔擦
  18. wipe quietly从容地擦
  19. wipe repeatedly反复擦
  20. wipe resolutely果断地擦
  21. wipe sedately沉着地擦
  22. wipe thoroughly彻底擦
  23. wipe timidly胆怯地擦
  24. wipe vigorously使劲擦
  25. wipe away擦掉,清除
  26. wipe down彻底擦去
  27. wipe off揩去,擦掉,销掉,付清
  28. wipe off evil practice铲除恶习
  29. wipe off old scores消除宿怨
  30. wipe out擦洗(某物的)内部,消灭,毁灭
  31. wipe out a family灭绝满门
  32. wipe out deficits消灭赤字
  33. wipe out difficulties克服困难
  34. wipe out disgrace雪耻
  35. wipe out illiteracy扫除文盲
  36. wipe out losses消除损失
  37. wipe over随便擦擦
  38. wipe up擦干(洗过的碗碟等),擦掉(落下的某物或溅出的液体等)
  1. wipe on a towel用毛巾擦
  1. fetch sb a wipe给某人一记重打
  2. give a wipe擦一下
  1. good wipe好好擦一下
  2. quick wipe迅速的擦


  1. She wiped her tears away.她擦掉了眼泪。
  2. I wiped my shoes on the mat before I came in.我在进门前把鞋在垫子上擦了擦。
  3. When you have washed the car , wipe it down well .你把汽车冲洗过后,要好好用布揩拭一下。
  4. He tried to wipe out the memory of his former girlfriend.他试图抹去对前任女友的回忆。
  5. How could I trace your hair to wipe your tears?My hands reached out, catching nothing but a raindrop, on a leaf that had withered.多想摩娑你的发,温柔地拭去你的眼泪,我伸出手,却只碰到枯叶上的一滴落雨!
  6. Only in this way can we wipe out the enemy troops.只有用这样的方法我们才能消灭敌军。
  7. He wiped me with his fist.他用拳头打我。
  1. Please give the table mats a quick wipe.请把桌上的盘碗垫擦一下。
  2. Please wipe the table with a dry cloth.请用乾抹布擦桌子。
  3. Life is like a mop, using today to mop up yesterday and wipe out tomorrow.生命就像抹布用今天擦去昨天擦亮明天。


    wipe的基本含义是用布、纸或手等“擦,拭,抹”或者“擦去,拭去,抹去”。其目的(或结果)在于使被擦物“干”“净”或“干净”。 wipe主要用作及物动词。作“擦”解时,其宾语可以是桌椅、自行车等物品或眼睛、额头等人体器官; 作“擦去”解时,其宾语则是灰尘、眼泪等被擦去的东西。 wipe还可以接dry, clean等形容词充当补足语的复合宾语。 wipe(及其构成的短语)偶尔可以用作不及物动词,这时的主动形式具有被动意义。 wipe可与away, off, out, up等构成短语动词,表示“擦净,擦干”等意义。wipe out还可用于引申义如“消灭”“毁灭”等。 wipe还可作“涂”“抹”解,这时的宾语一般是蜡、油漆等涂抹物,被涂抹的物体则通常由介词引出。wipe作“擦”“拭”解时偶尔也可仿此句式。
    wipe用作名词的意思是“擦,拭,揩,抹,搽”,表示擦、拭、揩、抹、搽等的动作,既可用作可数名词,也可用作不可数名词,常用单数形式。 在口语中, wipe也可作“狠狠的一击”解。


  1. 请把盘子擦干。

    Please wipe the dishes dryly.

    Please wipe the dishes dry.

    表示“把…擦干”可以用“wipe+sth+ adj. ”结构,这里dry是宾语dishes的补语,表示动词wipe的动作发生后宾语dishes的变化,形容词dry不可用副词dryly代替。


    She wiped the dust out of the tabletop.

    She wiped the dust off the tabletop.

    out of表示“向外的动作”, off才表示“脱离的动作”。