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美[jeld]  英[jeld]
adj.  不育的;(指母牛)不分泌乳汁的


  1. Jung, at four years of age, could yeld the (bgger) pears. 孔融四岁的时候,(就)能(从容)将大的梨子出让(其兄长)。
  2. Studes of the gravty feld of the Earth ndcate that ts crust and wmantle yeld hen unusual eght s placed on them. 对地球引力的研究表明,在不寻常的负荷之下地壳和地幔会发生位移。
  3. The scence of hortculture, n hch the prwmary concerns are wmaxmum yeld and superor qualty, utlzes nFORMaton derved from other scences. 主要目的在于丰富和优质的农艺学利用了其他科学的知识。
  4. The negotiation seems extremely difficult as the french club is not too convinced to yeld the player and Everton are also keen on the Sweden national. 谈判过程将极其艰难,一方面,里昂不会轻易将卡尔斯特罗姆拱手相让,另一方面,埃弗顿也热盼着这位瑞典国脚的到来。
  5. How to Diagnose and Cure the Yeld Female Anine 母犬不育的诊断及治疗
  6. Summarization on the Treatment of 153 Cases of Mankind Yeld Disease With Shengjingsu Tablets 生精素片治疗男性不育症153例总结