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美['ziːbuː]  英['ziːbuː]
n.  瘤牛


  1. domesticated ox having a humped back and long horns and a large dewlap; used chiefly as a draft animal in India and east Asia


  1. The indigenous Zebu belong to Bos indicus on the basis of the xnorphological and cytogenetic studies. 根据形态特征及细胞遗传学证据,云南瘤牛属于牛亚科Bos indicus,与普通黄牛(Bos taurus)分属不同的种;
  2. Zebu cattle driven by Afar herdsmen raise clouds of dust in the baked Danakil Desert near Semerea, Ethiopia. 埃塞俄比亚的撒马里附近,耕牛群在牧民的驱赶之下在碳烤般的丹那克里沙漠里扬起阵阵云烟。
  3. Rigeze Humped and Apeijiaza which primarily have the zebu blood distinguished with other bovines. 5、主要含有瘤牛血液的日喀则驼峰牛和阿沛甲咂牛与其他黄牛品种相距很远,应该独立为一种类型。
  4. Yunnan Zebu are distributed in tropical and South-subtropical regions of central, southern and Southwest Yunnan province. 本文根据新近的研究,报道了云南瘤牛的分类学位置、产地、分布、习性和形态描述,并探讨了其起源与形成。
  5. The genetic differentiation between yak and Bos Taurus,zebu were more obvious and its genetic relationship with zebu and Bos Taurus were farther. 牦牛与普通牛、瘤牛的分化较明显,比瘤牛与普通牛的亲缘关系要远。
  6. Among the four species of Bovidae, genetic differentiation in the HSL genes between yak and buffalo is equivalent to that between buffalo and cattle and between buffalo and zebu. 研究表明, 牦牛、普通牛和瘤牛3个物种间的遗传距离大小相近, 牦牛和水牛间的遗传距离与普通牛、瘤牛和水牛间的遗传距离大小相当。