- Zelkova schneideriana Hand-Mazz. [医] 榉树
- Hundreds of Zelkova leaves rustle in the dark. 榉树在黑暗中摩擦着无数叶片,簌簌作响。
- Zelkova schneideriana Hand.-Mazz. 大叶榉
- The genus Zelkova, belongs to family Ulmaceae, has 10 spicies, of which 3 distribute in China. They are Zelkova schneideriana Hand. 榉属隶属榆科,我国有3种,分别是大叶榉Zelkova schneideriana Hand.
- The several-hundred-year-old zelkova trees and nettle trees standing in the middle of the village are designated as natural monuments. 村子中间几百年树龄的榉树、朴树已被指定为自然保护对象。
- These features may imply that, in branches of Zelkova serrata, the secondary phloem of the upper side (reaction phloem) may have a higher translocation efficiency. 此外,上侧次生韧皮部的筛管细胞较长也较宽,在两个筛管间具有的筛板亦较为水平排列,这些特徵可能意味著台湾榉的枝条上侧的次生韧皮部(反应韧皮部)具有较高的输送效率。