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美[ə'baɪdɪŋlɪ]  英[ə'baɪdɪŋlɪ]
adv.  永久地;不变地


  1. So huge China every the world, advocate economy must be a abidingly principle! 如此宠大的中国,乃至全世界,提倡节约绝对是硬道理!
  2. Environment Policy: Abid by law, reduce pollution, recycle and save resources. 环境方针:遵守法规,减少污染,循环利用,节约资源。
  3. Choose the sport that you like, be like this only, you just hold to motion can abidingly and won't discontinuous. 选择你喜爱的运动,只有如此,你才能持久地坚持运动而不会间断。
  4. Want to initiate the new phase that teachs the job, must carry out abidingly deep " 3 delegates " serious thought. 要开创教育工作的新局面 ,必须深入持久地贯彻“三个代表”重要思想。
  5. But the key is to need the enterprise of a responsible feeling to active station comes out and hold on abidingly. 但关键是需要一个有责任感的企业主动站出来并持久地坚持下去。”
  6. Fluid of line of mermaid gold look, distinctive waterproof, prevent take off sweat, abidingly, not easily makeup dizzy, downy without stimulation. 美人鱼金牌眼线液,独特的防水、防汗、持久、不易脱妆晕开,柔和无刺激。