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美[ˌeɪbaɪə'lɒdʒɪkəl]  英[eɪbaɪəʊ'lɒdʒɪkəl]
adj.  非生物的


  1. Now government researchers want to work with a private company to produce large amounts of the virus. It could then be used as abiological control. 目前政府研究者想与私人公司共同合作来生产大量的病毒,这些病毒将被作为一种生物手段加以应用。
  2. It is of great value to use tannin as finings for improving abiological stabilization of rice wine. 把单宁作为提高黄酒非生物稳定性的添加剂具有重要的推广价值。
  3. The effects of sunlight and technice on the abiological turbidity of vinegar were studied by sunlight experiment. 利用日照技术,对米醋进行消除非生物性返混试验,探讨了日照和工艺对米醋非生物性返混的影响。
  4. Tannin is a plant polyphenol.It could combine protein in solution to form sediment so as improve abiological stabiliztion of the solutiom. 摘要单宁是一种植物多酚,它可以与溶液中的蛋白相结合形成沉淀,提高溶液的非生物稳定性。
  5. The results show that the use of a grey systemsanalysis for the factors affecting the efficiency of abiological reacto... 结果表明,用灰色关联方法分析反应器的效率影响因素,与其它方法相比,具有要求试验数据较少的优点。
  6. Tannin is a plant polyphenol.It could combine protein in solution to form sediment so as to improve abiological stabilization of the solution. 单宁是一种植物多酚,它可以与溶液中的蛋白相结合形成沉淀,提高溶液的非生物稳定性。