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美[æb'oʊrəl]  英[æ'bɔːrəl]
adj.  离口的;对口的


  1. opposite to or away from the mouth;

    "the aboral surface of a starfish"


  1. When enabled, a special FTP command known as "async ABOR" will be enabled. 当设置为允许时,一个特别的FTP命令“异步退出”将生效。
  2. The size of pouch and pouch emptying function in aboral pouch group were(significantly) superior to the other groups. 反口组的贮袋大小及半排空时间显著优于Orr组及P袢组(P<0.;0 5)。
  3. Only in the breeding season, the male lies with his oral surface pressed against the female's aboral surface and with his arms alternating with hers. 常见于印度洋及太 平洋的浅水海域,具有季节性的配对习性,即雄海星配在雌海星之上而五足相互交错。
  4. The results showed that in the observat ion group the analgesic effect was significant and no one presented induced abor tion syndrome (P 结果观察组术中镇痛效果显著,病人无疼痛感;无1例人流综合征发生,术后腹痛程度较轻,与对照组比较,差异有极显著性意义(P<0.;01);
  5. The Rising is Ulimate Ferjog,Abor Kingsoft Kolin,The Kaspersky Internet Security 7.0 and AVG Anti Virus 7.5 Tuy Ulimate Wilise. 瑞星连金山都不如,乃垃圾至极,卡巴斯基互连网安全套装7.;0和AVG反病毒7
  6. Conclusions:The study suggests that the proliferation and adhesion of trophoblast in placenta of patients with early abor... 结论:研究提示早期自然流产患者胎盘中滋养细胞增殖、粘附能力下降。