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美[ændrə'sentrɪk]  英[ændrə'sentrɪk]
adj.  以男性为主的;以男性为中心的;为男性可控制的;代表男性利益的


  1. By raising a query on women's role in the traditional marriage, the story reveals a reality that is in the blind spot of the androcentric society. 文章质疑了传统的婚姻,使原来处于男性中心社会视角盲区的现实得以呈现在读者的眼前,挑战了男性至上主义文学中的妇女形象。
  2. In a word, we could see all the sexual pressure and all the unconscious of an androcentric society under this interesting research. 在性别视角下被塑造出的这些女性形象具有丰富的潜在意义,通过她们可以看到其中暗含的性别压制和父权制度意识。
  3. With this available method, we could expose the imagination of women by men in an androcentric society, and we will see how women convey their own dissatisfaction and opposition. 笔者希望将这一研究视为一种有效的策略和途径,揭示出男权社会中男性对女性形象的种种想象,以及男权社会中的女性如何以其特有的方式传达出的对父权制度的不满和责难。
  4. From the different aspect, the Feminist criticized the main stream of science deeply, exposed sexist and androcentric bias of the main stream of science. 她批判各种形式的殖民主义、“欧洲中心主义”,并对“传流论”和“内在主义认识论”以重新考察。
  5. This paper intends to analyze the formation of her in view of her family background, the then androcentric social environment and the sexual harassment that she endured very early in her life. 本文拟从她成长的家庭、男权统治秩序及她幼年遭遇的性侵害来透视她的女权主义思想渊源。
  6. Androcentric Point of View in Early Christian Anthropology 早期基督教神学人类学中的男尊女卑观念