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美['ærəɡeɪt]  英['ærəɡeɪt]
v.  冒称;霸占;擅自
  形容词:arrogative  名词:arrogation  过去式:arrogated  过去分词:arrogated  现在分词:arrogating  第三人称单数:arrogates


  1. demand as being one's due or property; assert one's right or title to;

    "He claimed his suitcases at the airline counter" "Mr. Smith claims special tax exemptions because he is a foreign resident"

  2. make undue claims to having
  3. seize and take control without authority and possibly with force; take as one's right or possession;

    "He assumed to himself the right to fill all positions in the town" "he usurped my rights" "She seized control of the throne after her husband died"


  1. Don't arrogate wrong intentions to your colleagues. 不要硬说你同事们动机不良。
  2. Do not arrogate wrong intentions to your friends. 不要硬说你的朋友存心不良。
  3. Don't arrogate evil motives to me. 不要栽脏给我。
  4. Don't easily arrogate evil motives to others. 别轻易地认为他人存心不良。
  5. I do not arrogate to myself the right to decide. 我不擅自决定。
  6. To monopolize power; to have sole power; to arrogate all authority to oneself. 为了能够掌权,他不惜使用各种卑劣手段。