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美[ə'suːm]  英[ə'sjuːm]
vt.  假定;设想;承担;(想当然的)认为;假装
  形容词:assumable  副词:assumably  名词:assumer  过去式:assumed  过去分词:assumed  现在分词:assuming  第三人称单数:assumes


  1. 采取(...态度), 采用
  2. 承担(责任)
  3. 认为,以为
  4. 呈现
  5. 假装,装腔作势,装作...的样子,装出
  6. 执掌
  7. 接受
  8. 就任,担任,就(职)
  9. 取得
  10. 擅取,僭取,夺取
  11. 冒称,把...视为己有
  12. 想像
  13. 以...为先决条件
  14. 表现为
  15. 多管闲事
  16. 假定,假定为,设想 ,假设,臆断,猜想


  1. vt. 假定,猜想 take as true before there is proof
  2. vt. 假装 pretend to be
  3. vt. 承担 take up or in


  1. take to be the case or to be true; accept without verification or proof;

    "I assume his train was late"

  2. take on titles, offices, duties, responsibilities;

    "When will the new President assume office?"

  3. take on a certain form, attribute, or aspect;

    "His voice took on a sad tone" "The story took a new turn" "he adopted an air of superiority" "She assumed strange manners" "The gods assume human or animal form in these fables"

  4. take on as one's own the expenses or debts of another person;

    "I'll accept the charges" "She agreed to bear the responsibility"

  5. occupy or take on;

    "He assumes the lotus position" "She took her seat on the stage" "We took our seats in the orchestra" "She took up her position behind the tree" "strike a pose"

  6. seize and take control without authority and possibly with force; take as one's right or possession;

    "He assumed to himself the right to fill all positions in the town" "he usurped my rights" "She seized control of the throne after her husband died"

  7. make a pretence of;

    "She assumed indifference, even though she was seething with anger" "he feigned sleep"

  8. take up someone's soul into heaven;

    "This is the day when May was assumed into heaven"

  9. put clothing on one's body;

    "What should I wear today?" "He put on his best suit for the wedding" "The princess donned a long blue dress" "The queen assumed the stately robes" "He got into his jeans"


  1. assume a leading position担任领导职务
  2. assume a look of surprise装出吃惊的样子
  3. assume the right夺取权力
  1. assume baselessly毫无根据地认为
  2. assume falsely错误地认为
  3. assume groundlessly毫无根据地认为
  4. assume hastily匆忙地认为
  5. assume mistakenly错误地认为
  6. assume safely安全地认为
  7. assume tacitly沉默地认为
  8. assume unceremoniously无礼地认为
  9. assume unconsciously不自觉地露出
  10. assume unlawfully非法篡夺


  1. Let's assume it to be true.让我们假定这是真的。
  2. We assume his guilt.我们假定他是有罪的。
  3. They assumed their operational positions.他们设想了自己在实施中的作用。
  4. I am not afraid to assume the responsibility.我不怕承担责任.
  5. She was in arrogance to assume she would win every time.她认为每次都能赢,未免太自大了。


    assume的基本意思是“想当然”,即指人假定某事物是真实的,它可以指事物本身的真实性,也可以表示事物会发生什么样的结果。 assume作“假设”解时,指在证据很少或者存有异议时,甚至在根本没有证据的情况下进行推测,含有较强的武断成分。 assume还可表示“装出一种虚假或骗人的表情”。 assume后可接that从句,表示“假定某人会…”。