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美[eɪt'retɪk]  英[eɪt'retɪk]
sp.  闭锁的


  1. Collagen and reticular fibers were observed in theca of growing and vesicular follicles and atretic follicles. 在生长卵泡、囊状卵泡及相应闭锁卵泡的卵泡膜中均见到了胶原纤维和网状纤维。
  2. A bright linear echo arises from the atretic tricuspid plane (cured arrow).LA, left atrium.Sp, spine. 明亮的线样回声起源于闭锁的三尖瓣(完全箭头)。
  3. Characteristics of atretic style of follicles were different among the different developing stages. 各级卵泡的闭锁形式各有特点。
  4. A bright linear echo arises from the atretic tricuspid plane (curved arrow).LA, left atrium.Sp, spine. 明亮的线样回声起源于闭锁的三尖瓣(完全箭头)。
  5. The atretic follicles are found at the different stages of the development of the ovary. 结果显示卵巢分叶呈条索状,卵泡发育中没有出现卵泡腔,卵泡细胞始终为单层,卵泡膜随卵泡发育成熟由单层转变为多层,闭锁卵泡在卵泡发育的各个不同时期都有出现。
  6. After culture 80% of follicles in normal ovarian tissue were atretic compared with 53% in PCOS biopsies. 培养后正常卵巢组织中 80%25 的卵泡发生闭锁,而 PCOS 卵巢组织中 53%25 卵泡发生闭锁。