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美[ɔːtəʊba'ɪɒɡrəfə]  英[ɔːtəʊba'ɪɒɡrəfə]
n.  自传作者


  1. someone who writes their own biography


  1. To the writer of real estate advertisements, the autobiographer is the most suspect of prose artists. 自传作者是仅次于房地产广告作者的最可疑的散文家。
  2. The occasional anonymous tipster and the eminent autobiographer may each claim to be serving the cause of truth. 停滞不前的村落社会和完 全 没有活力的农业;
  3. However, all through his life, he only confided in his close friend and autobiographer, John Forster his dark and humiliating experience. 这段难以启齿的经历对狄更斯影响深远。
  4. Even as the camera phone makes each individual an autobiographer, it also makes all the people around her into freelance paparazzi, with their own tabloid-style press (the web). 带摄像头的手机让每个人都成为自传作者,但也让她周围的人通过他们自己的小报式新闻(网络)成为自由的狗仔队。
  5. The occasional anonymous tipster and the eminent autobiographer may each claim to be serving the cause of truth. There's the rub,for it is a claim that can be neither wholly admitted nor wholly dismissed. 偶尔出现的匿名泄密者和显赫的自传作家可能都自称从事诚实的事业,这就是问题所在,因为这既不可能完全接受,也不可能完全否认。
  6. The occasional anonymous tipster and the eminent autobiographer may each claim to be serving the cause of truth. There's the rub, for it is a claim that can be neither wholly admitted nor wholly dismissed. 偶尔出现的匿名泄密者和显赫的自传作家可能都自称从事诚实的事业,这就是问题所在,因为这既不可能完全接受,也不可能完全否认。