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美[kæl'veriːəm]  英[kæl'veɪrɪəm]
n.  颅盖


  1. In the latter case, abscessation may be present inside the calvarium. 在后一种情况下,颅内可能有脓肿形成。
  2. Many congenital hydrocephalics have a dome-shaped, prominent calvarium. 很多原发性水脑症的病例有圆且突出的头盖骨。
  3. The fixation method of transcalvarial suture takes advantages of the depth and configuration of the calvarium, allowing the use of autogenous material. 从发际到中脸部整个皮肤瓣,经头骨上方将下垂的肌膜做上滑式的束紧悬吊,来达到上额拉皮的美容效果。
  4. An 80-year-old man presented with a soft nodule in the left parietal calvarium and was admitted to our hospital. 一位八十岁男性以左侧头顶骨有一软性结节为表现而入院检查。
  5. CT or MRI can be use to demonstrate vascular anomaly with thinning of the calvarium. CT和MRI可以用来显示血管畸形和颅骨的变薄。
  6. The force which calvarium can tolerate is much higher than that of basis cranii. 破盖器工作时人体与舱盖碰撞的机率很小,且不易发生损伤。