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美['siːrəsaɪt]  英['siːrəsaɪt]
n.  白铅矿


  1. The cerusite can be collected by xanthate without sulfuration,however the flotation indexes are not good. 在不硫化的条件下,黄药能够浮选白铅矿,但浮选指标不高。
  2. The ore is lead mine of partial oxidation,the lead ore consists chiefly of galena and cerusite. 所处理矿石为半氧化铅矿石,矿石中铅以方铅矿和白铅矿形式产出,铅的氧化物主要为白铅矿,分布率达39%25。
  3. This paper studies the effects of PH value,carbon chain length and structure of xanthate on the flotation behaviors of cerusite. 考察了白铅矿硫化的pH范围,黄药碳链长度及其结构对黄药捕收白铅矿浮选行为的影响。
  4. The ore is lead mine of partial oxidation,the lead ore consists chiefly of galena and cerusite.39% of cerusite is the most oxid in lead ore. 所处理矿石为半氧化铅矿石,矿石中铅以方铅矿和白铅矿形式产出,铅的氧化物主要为白铅矿,分布率达39%25。
  5. Keywords cerusite;limonite;sulfidizing flotation;xanthates; 白铅矿;褐铁矿;硫化浮选;黄药;
  6. Keywords cerusite;flotation;sulfuration condition;regulator; 白铅矿;浮选;硫化条件;调整剂;