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n.  [天]鲸鱼座


  1. a large constellation on the equator near Pisces and Aquarius


  1. A constellation in the Southern Hemisphere near Fornax and Cetus. 波江星座在南天接近鲸鱼座和天炉座的一个星座
  2. Eridanus: a constellation in the Southern Hemisphere near Fornax and Cetus. 波江星座:在南天接近鲸鱼座和天炉座的一个星座.
  3. Eridanus:a constellation in the Southern Hemisphere near Fornax and Cetus. 波江星座:在南天接近鲸鱼座和天炉座的一个星座.
  4. A newly discovered quasar deep in the constellation Cetus the Whale is by far the most distant object ever found in our Universe. 据报道科学家在鲸鱼座发现了一个类星体,它是迄今为止人类发现的宇宙中最遥远的星体。
  5. About 400 light-years away toward the constellation Cetus, Mira is presently too faint to be seen by the unaided eye, but will become visible again in mid-November. 苧藁增二距离我们大约400光年远,位于鲸鱼座内,现在由于苧藁增二太昏暗,肉眼看不到,但到了11月中旬它又将变得可见。
  6. MACSJ0025 contains hundreds of galaxies, spans about three million light years, and lies nearly six billion light years away (redshift 0.59) toward the constellation of Monster Whale (Cetus). MACSJ0025包含了大量的星系,约有三百万年的跨度, 位于距离鲸鱼座差不多60亿光年处(红移量为0.;59)。