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美['sɪlɪs]  英['sɪlɪs]
n.  粗毛布;粗毛布所制衬衣


  1. She also saw the bloody cilice around his thigh, the wound beneath it dripping. 她还看见他的大腿上缠着印着血迹的纱布,纱布下的伤口还在流血。
  2. Although Silas already had worn his cilice today longer than the requisite two hours, he knew today was no ordinary day. 赛拉斯知道今日不同寻常,所以他特意将戒律带多带了一阵,超过了规定的2小时。
  3. "Does God's Work necessarily include vows of chastity, tithing, and atonement for sins through self-flagellation and the cilice? “‘上帝的善行’非得包括要对自己的贞洁起誓、征收什么税和通过自我鞭笞,还有带苦修带来赎罪这类东西吗?”
  4. The spiked cilice belt that he wore around his thigh cut into his flesh, and yet his soul sang with satisfaction of service to the Lord. 虽然他大腿上绑的那条带刺的戒律带扎进了肉中,但他的灵魂却因能够为主效力而倍感欣喜。
  5. Another university student had used his barbed cilice belt more often than the recommended two hours a day and had given himself a near lethal infection. 还有一个大学生使用带回刺的苦修带的时间要比推荐的一天两小时长得多,结果差点感染至死。
  6. The main draw for the 2009 China Open has been announced with Marin Cilic, Marat Safin and Marcos Baghdatis receiving the 3wild cards. 2009年中国网球公开赛组委会公布,西里奇、萨芬和巴格达蒂斯获得3张外卡。