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美[ˌkɒnfrə'tɜːnətɪ]  英[ˌkɒnfrə'tɜːnɪtɪ]
n.  团体;协会;帮会


  1. Himavanti Confraternity Order - Laya Yoga teachings and workshop information. 易易工作室-各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。
  2. For example, the idea that Tian Di confraternity being founded in the year Qian Kong 26 is a breakthrough. 笔者首倡的天地会创立于乾隆二十六年说就是深入挖掘史料后的一种突破,该说现已得到更多史料的证明和学界的广泛认同。
  3. Please expound the reasons why you wanna join the XueLang ski club Confraternity. 请阐述您加入雪浪滑雪俱乐部的理由
  4. Zhenghai businessmen, backbone of Ningbo Confraternity, have accumulated rich experience of management in their business establishment. 作为“宁波帮”中坚的近代镇海籍实业家,在艰苦的创业中积累了丰富的经营管理经验。
  5. Xie Aige,Born in Hunan province China,Now is China ceramic confraternity member, Shanghai technics design confraternity member, and now working in Tongji university art college. 谢艾格,中国湖南长沙人,上海市中国陶瓷艺术家协会会员,上海工艺美术设计协会会员,现任教于同济高等技术学院人文与艺术设计系。
  6. I like the homeland liking the confraternity of beggars having question everybody to help us altogether to construct together altogether start an undertaking altogether develop! 我爱家园爱丐帮有问题大家帮我们一起共建设共创业共发展!