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美[kə'nɪdɪəl]  英[kə'nɪdɪəl]
adj.  无性孢子的;分生孢子的


  1. Fig. 3. Effect of temperature on the conidium germination of powdery mildew fungi in cucurbits. 图3.;温度对于瓜类白粉病菌孢子发芽的影响。
  2. Factors affecting the mycelial growth, sporulation and conidial germination of Colletotrichum higginsianum Sacc. 菜心炭疽病菌菌丝生长、产孢和孢子萌发的影响因素。
  3. The results showed that PDA and CzA were most suitable for the growth and conidial production of the fungus. 结果表明,马铃薯葡萄糖和查氏培养基最适于菌丝生长和产生分生孢子。
  4. Some kinds of identification methods of the cordyceps conidial forms were presented in this paper. 介绍了冬虫夏草无性型的几种验证方法.
  5. Methods The IA models were challenged intratracheally with conidial suspension of A.fumigatus. 方法采用气管切开、气管内接种构建侵袭性曲霉病兔模型。
  6. Conidium (conidiospore) (pl.conidia) An asexual spore of certain fungi, especially of the Ascomycota and Fungi Anamorphici e.g. 分生孢子(无性孢子):某些真菌产生的无性孢子。