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美[kən'sevə'tɒrɪəm]  英[kənsɜːvə'tɔːrɪəm]
n.  <澳> = conservatoire


  1. Conservatorium is the place where the mysteries of music are unravelled by the pioneers of polyphonic music. 音乐学院中,艺术先驱们创造著各种精妙复调技法。
  2. Only the most promising virtuosos are accepted as students, ensuring that any performance that takes place at the conservatorium's theatre hall is fit for royalty. 只有天赋卓越的学生方可获准入内研习,以保证任何学院担纲的演出都高雅庄重,满足王室成员口味。
  3. The highlights of the this period were the 4-year composition studies at the Sydney Conservatorium of Music with the scholarship awarded by the Hong Kong Jockey Club. 回港后在香港大学完成哲学博士学位(主修作曲),其间积极创作前卫音乐、电子音乐及大型管弦乐,并与多个音乐团体、剧团、电台、电视台、合唱团等合作。
  4. Hultgren is currently Head of Pre Tertiary Studies at the Queensland Conservatorium Griffith University where he provides academic and artistic leadership to the Young Conservatorium. 现任澳洲格里菲斯大学昆士兰音乐学院预科学程及管乐部总监,并于该校的青年音乐学院提供学术及艺术指导。