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美[kən'tɪnjʊeɪt]  英[kən'tɪnjʊeɪt]
adj.  <废>持续的; 不间断的


  1. Look at the flight information board to find out where your continu ing flight leaves from. 请在班机情况牌上寻找您的联运班机的出发地点。
  2. On the way to success,loneliness is necessary ,who can resist to the lonliness can continuate to success. 在成功的道路上,寂寞是必经的一站;耐得住寂寞的人,才能顺利地继续前进。
  3. The making of a Nation, a progam in special english.I`m Kay Glant,today,Harry Monro and I continu... 这次听写是关于美国历史的报道.;比较熟悉的文章背景;听写起来不是十分困难
  4. There will always be people who'll hurt you,but you need to continu trusting,just be careful. 生活中总会有伤害你的人,但是你仍然需要继续相信别人,只是小心些而已。
  5. And in this posture I continu'd about two hours; but began to be mighty impatient for intelligence abroad, for I had no spies to send out. 在这种心情和状态下,我大约等了两小时,就又急不可耐地想知道外面的情况,因为我没有探子派出去为我打听消息。
  6. For CMP gather seismic data,in common midpoint-half offset distance, the prestack double square root operator could be used to continuate and strip layer by layer. 对于CMP道集地震数据;在共中心点-半偏移距中;可以利用波动方程的叠前双平方根算子;实现延拓;进行层层剥离.