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美['kaʊntərəˌpɪl]  英['kaʊntərəˌpiːl]
n.  抗告


  1. Check just expresses to will mention counterappeal. 检方表示将提起抗诉。
  2. Head Er check just expresses, will up one class court mentions counterappeal. 首尔检方表示,将向上一级法院提起抗诉。
  3. The system of public welfare and the system of counterappeal against personel's orders and judgements that misuse the law both have their existential value in our country. 我国应借鉴这种公益诉讼制度,同时应保留对审判人员的枉法裁判的案件的抗诉制度,检察院的公益诉讼制度与对审判人员枉法裁判行为的抗诉制度在我国有其存在的价值。
  4. Our country should learn from the system of public welfare, and preserve the system of counterappeal against personel's orders and judgements that misuse the law. 其他国家也有检察院参与民事诉讼活动的规定,但一般是检察院只对涉及社会公益的案件作为代表人参与民事诉讼活动。
  5. The system of the suggestion of discreation of punishment and the system of giving evidence by witness at the court as well as the standard of the counterappeal should be es... 为强化和突出刑事公诉的法律监督属性,就应当从制度规范上健全证人出庭作证机制、推行量刑建议、明确刑事抗诉的标准以及提高和完善公诉人员的公诉能力。
  6. The referendum lawsuits of appeal or counterappeal against the fist-instance judgement of the high administrative court branch court shall be governed by the Supreme Administrative Court. 不服高等行政法院第一审裁判而上诉、抗告之公民投票诉讼事件,由最高行政法院管辖。