a photograph made by an early photographic process; the image was produced on a silver plate sensitized to iodine and developed in mercury vapor
French artist and inventor of the daguerreotype process for obtaining positive photographic prints. 达盖尔,路易斯·雅克·曼德1789-1851法国艺术家和发明家,发明了银版摄影术,能洗出照片的正画
Daguerre:French artist and inventor of the daguerreotype process for obtaining positive photographic prints. "达盖尔:法国艺术家和发明家;发明了银版摄影术;能洗出照片的正画.;"
To make a daguerreotype of. 用达尔银版法拍摄
In 1840 he developed the calotype;an early photographic process that improved on the daguerreotype, it involved the use of a photographic negative, from which multiple prints could be made. 1840年他开发卡罗式照相法,这是一种改良达盖尔式照相法的早期照相方法,它使用一种摄影负像,由此可以复印多份照片。