This is the Dempster Quinn residence. 这是邓普斯特·奎因公馆。
There were a few people whom Mr. Dempster wished to confer with. 登普斯特先生想要与几个人商议一下。
Mr. Dempster appeared to be a man accustomed to exercise authority. 登普斯特先生看来是一个习惯于发号施令的人。
Twenty minutes later Mr. Dempster reappeared in Peter's office. 二十分钟以后,登普斯先生又出现在彼得的办公室里。
Unlike the Dempster, new gravel here would get punched down quicker. 不同的是登普斯特,新砾石打在这里将得到下降更快。
I met Harry in Los Angeles on April 17, 1962, and on April 23 he was in Beatrice, Nebraska, running Dempster. 我在当年四月去洛杉矶拜访他,一个礼拜后,他就被请到内布拉斯加州来管理Dempster,