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美[d'juːklɔː]  英[d'juːklɔː]
n.  上爪;假蹄


  1. Each foreleg carries a single dewclaw. 每只前脚各只有一只残留狼爪。
  2. A single dewclaw may be present on the front feet. 单个的悬趾可能出现在前足。
  3. At this age, the dewclaw is adhered very loosely so it is very easy to remove. 国外有很多关于犬“义趾”被木头和山石刮住,引起损伤的病例(因为它们有些是不随同其他脚趾运动的,且突出。)
  4. Front pasterns are strong and flexible.Each foreleg carries a single dewclaw. 缺陷:大小-肩高小于下限或大于上限。
  5. The Great Pyrenees even has a double dewclaw, an inherited trait called polydactyly, so that there are two bony digits instead of one. 其次,“义趾”的形态和分布是多样的,迄今没有看到关于其发生和形态“遗传规律”的文献。
  6. The veterinarian will clamp at the base of the dewclaw at the joint and this is often enough to allow for manual removal. 若以我们藏獒而言,这个问题不是突出问题,是属于保健性质的问题。