It is not, like the Cathedral of Bourges, the magnificent, light,multiform, tufted, bristling efflorescent product of the pointed arch. 圣母院也不像布尔日大教堂,并非那种尖顶穹窿的建筑物,壮丽,轻盈,千姿百态,繁盛茂密,布满尖形饰物,如花盛放。
Soil is acidity rock efflorescent and into.Suit the good place that tea tree grows just about. 人们每年五月的十三到十五日高高地架起云梯采摘,产量极少,大约只有11两,被视为稀世珍宝。
Spending the efflorescent and falling hours, you come silently just as you walked away silently. 你悄悄地来,正如你悄悄地走了.
The balcony uses natural stone, brick or mosaic more, because marble is easy efflorescent, and granite is heavier. 阳台多采用天然石、砖或马赛克,因为大理石轻易风化,而花岗岩则比较重。
It is not,like the Cathedral of Bourges,the magnificent,light,multiform,tufted,bristling efflorescent product of the pointed arch. 圣母院也不像布尔日大教堂,并非那种尖顶穹窿的建筑物,壮丽,轻盈,千姿百态,繁盛茂密,布满尖形饰物,如花盛放。
It is blue crystal with crystallization water, with efflorescent in air.It is easy to dissolve in water and not dissolve in alcohol. 性状Properties:蓝绿色单斜晶体,空气中易风化,溶于水,不溶于醇。