Son nom commence par D-A et finit par A-L, je crois. 他的姓氏是D-A起头的; 结尾是A-L.
One, akin to nominalism and idealism, finds its expression today in finitism and intuitionism. 一种类似于唯名论和观念说,现在称为有穷论和直觉主义。
The tectonic stress field in Chengdao area of Yanshan and Himalaya periods is simulated with finit element method. 用有限元法模拟了埕岛地区中、古生界燕山、喜山两期构造应力场。
Secondly, the finitism advanced by SSK can be seen as a further development of Kuhn's idea about the very importance of examples to paradigm. 第二,SSK所倡导的“有限论”可以被看成对库恩关于“范例”对于“范式”特别重要性的具体阐述与进一步发展;
We've also proposed a new discrete symplectic algorithm inspired by the finit element method. 反之,利用有限元离散相空间,得到一类新的算法,称为有限元-辛算法。
By the example, it was proved that diffusion of error from single point subdomain integration is more slow than central finit difference. 算例也表明了单点子域积分法具有比中心差分法误差扩散慢的特点。