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美['fleɪkiː]  英['fleɪkɪ]
adj.  古怪的;疯疯癫癫的


  1. made of or resembling flakes;

    "flaky soap"

  2. made of or easily forming flakes
  3. conspicuously or grossly unconventional or unusual;

    "restaurants of bizarre design--one like a hat, another like a rabbit" "famed for his eccentric spelling" "a freakish combination of styles" "his off-the-wall antics" "the outlandish clothes of teenagers" "outre and affected stage antics"


  1. Some college students can be flakey, but if you can find a reliable, smart, motivated student it will really help you out. 有的大学生可能很疯癫,但是如果你找到一个可靠的、聪明的、有动机的学生,他就能够帮助你。
  2. Meanwhile, Stardock worked with the developer of the network library it uses (Raknet) to find a way to make connecting players not be flakey. 与此同时,Stardock和开发人员们合作开发的网络库使用(Raknet),以寻找一种使玩家的连接不再古怪的解决途径。
  3. To be honest,most of the pics r really funny,you can see various flakey and odd faces in your pics,from this point,you even doubt r they really dancing or doing sth else? 说老实话,很多照片非常的滑稽,从这些照片里你可以看到各式各样的千奇百怪的表情,有时候你甚至怀疑他们是在跳舞还是在做别的什么事情。
  4. "that slightly flakey quality, in joy as well as in grief, that prepares us subtly for the mad scenes to come" (Village Voice) “那略有些古怪的气质,不论高兴还是悲伤,都在不知不觉中使我们作好准备,以迎接非常情景的到来”(乡村之音)