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美[fler]  英[fleə(r)]
n.  闪光;闪光信号;[天]耀斑;(衣裙等)张开
v.  闪光;闪耀;爆发;张开
  过去式:flared  过去分词:flared  现在分词:flaring  第三人称单数:flares


  1. 照明弹
  2. 耀斑
  3. 爆发
  4. 闪光(信号)
  5. 摇曳的火焰,闪烁的火光
  6. 呈喇叭形展开,张开
  7. 炫耀,夸示
  8. 照明灯
  9. 曳光管
  10. 色球爆发
  11. 烧起
  12. 【摄】翳雾斑
  13. 【物】物镜反射光斑
  14. 船侧外倾
  15. 短横传
  16. 旺火
  1. 张开
  2. 突然发怒
  3. 摇曳
  4. 闪烁,(使)闪亮,闪耀,闪光
  5. (使)闪闪地燃烧
  6. 用闪光作信号
  7. 夸示
  8. 外倾
  9. 用发光信号发出
  10. (使)呈喇叭形展开
  11. 使外倾
  12. 烧旺,燃烧,(使)突然燃起来,旺起来
  13. 发怒地说,粗暴地说
  14. (使)鼻孔张开
  15. 滑行平飞
  16. 突发,突然发作
  17. 加剧
  18. (使)突然燃起来,旺起来
  19. 突然闪耀
  20. 张开,向外展开


  1. vi. & vt. 燃烧; 闪光 burn with a bright; unsteady flame
  2. vi. & vt. 向外展开 (of a skirt, the sides of a ship, etc.) to spread gradually outwards; become wider at the bottom
  1. [S]闪光; 火焰 bright and unsteady or brief light or flame
  2. [C]闪光信号,照明弹 flaring light used esp. as a signal
  3. [S](感情的)爆发 a sudden outburst, especially of a negative emotion
  4. [C](裙子等的)展开部分 widening shape


  1. a shape that spreads outward;

    "the skirt had a wide flare"

  2. a sudden burst of flame
  3. a burst of light used to communicate or illuminate
  4. reddening of the skin spreading outward from a focus of infection or irritation
  5. a sudden recurrence or worsening of symptoms;

    "a colitis flare" "infection can cause a lupus flare"

  6. a sudden eruption of intense high-energy radiation from the sun's surface; associated with sunspots and radio interference
  7. am unwanted reflection in an optical system (or the fogging of an image that is caused by such a reflection)
  8. a sudden outburst of emotion;

    "she felt a flare of delight" "she could not control her flare of rage"

  9. a device that produces a bright light for warning or illumination or identification
  10. a short forward pass to a back who is running toward the sidelines;

    "he threw a flare to the fullback who was tackled for a loss"

  11. (baseball) a fly ball hit a short distance into the outfield
  1. burn brightly;

    "Every star seemed to flare with new intensity"

  2. become flared and widen, usually at one end;

    "The bellbottom pants flare out"

  3. shine with a sudden light;

    "The night sky flared with the massive bombardment"

  4. erupt or intensify suddenly;

    "Unrest erupted in the country" "Tempers flared at the meeting" "The crowd irrupted into a burst of patriotism"


  1. flare brightly闪亮
  2. flare destructively破坏性地燃烧
  3. flare heatedly〔vividly〕强烈地燃烧
  4. flare repeatedly反复地展开
  5. flare sightly稍向外展开
  6. flare about〔away, up〕燃烧起来
  7. flare out发出亮光
  1. flare of anger怒气的爆发
  2. the flare of a skirt裙子的展开部分
  1. drop a flare投射照明弹
  2. fire a flare发射信号弹
  3. give a flare发出闪光
  4. send up a flare发出信号弹
  1. sudden flare突然闪出的光亮
  2. warning flare警告信号弹
  1. landing flares着陆照明弹


  1. The flare of the match lit up his face.火柴的光照亮了他的脸。
  2. He stood ready to fire a warning flare.他站着准备发出警告信号。
  3. One possibility is that the blast was like an ultra-powerful solar flare.一种可能的原因是这种爆炸很像有超级能量的太阳耀斑。
  4. These flows occurred after violently unstable magnetic reconnection events above the Sun produced the flare.这些在太阳表面上空剧烈而又不稳定的磁重联事件会产生耀斑。
  1. A gust of wind made the candles flare.一阵风吹得烛光摇曳。
  2. The fire flared out brightly.火光闪亮。
  3. My stomach ulcer has flared up again.我的胃溃疡突然又发作了。
  4. The skirt flares out at the hem.这条裙子的下摆张的很大。
  5. Her nostrils flared angrily.她气得鼻孔都鼓了起来。


    flare的基本意思是指在黑暗中或从将要熄灭的火中突然发出一股火焰。引申可指人突然发怒。 flare还可用于表示衣裙张开。 flare主要用作不及物动词,偶尔用作及物动词时,跟简单宾语。