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美[friː]  英[friː]
adj.  自由的;免费的;畅通的;没有…的;未使用的;空闲的;随意的
v.  释放;使自由;使摆脱;解除;使可用于(某目的)
adv.  免费地;自由地
  副词:freely  比较级:freer  最高级:freest  名词:freeness  过去式:freed  过去分词:freed  现在分词:freeing  第三人称单数:frees


  1. 自由的,自如的,不受拘束的
  2. 随意的,任意的
  3. 随便的
  4. 免费的
  5. 畅通的
  6. 未固定的,松开的
  7. 自主的,自立的
  8. 自动的
  9. 大方的
  10. 空闲的
  11. 奔放的,直率的
  12. 不客气的
  13. 流利的
  14. 不拘泥于文字的
  1. (使)自由
  2. 解救,解放,(使)解脱,放,救出来,释放
  3. (使)摆脱,挣脱出来,脱离
  4. 松开,挣开,解开,抽出
  5. 输空
  6. 解除,清除,免除
  7. 使可用
  8. 使能腾出时间
  9. 使避免
  1. 免费地,无偿
  2. 自由地,无拘束地,无约束地,脱离束缚,随意地
  3. 一帆风顺地
  4. 松开着,脱开着
  5. 任意使用他人物品
  6. 通行无阻地,无障碍地
  7. 无负担地,无承担义务地
  8. 顺风地
  1. 有着高贵血统的人


  1. 自由的; 不受约束的 able to act as one wants; not in prison or under anyone's control
  2. 免费的,无偿的 without payment of any kind; costing nothing
  3. 空闲的; 不忙的 not busy; without work or duty; having time to give attention to sb/sth
  4. [P]摆脱…的; 不受…影响的 without (sb/sth unwanted); safe from
  5. [P]大方的,慷慨的 ready to give; generous
  1. 免费地 without payment
  2. 自由地,无拘束地 in an uncontrolled manner
  1. vt. 免除; 释放 make free (from); get rid (of); set at liberty


  1. people who are free;

    "the home of the free and the brave"

  1. able to act at will; not hampered; not under compulsion or restraint;

    "free enterprise" "a free port" "a free country" "I have an hour free" "free will" "free of racism" "feel free to stay as long as you wish" "a free choice"

  2. unconstrained or not chemically bound in a molecule or not fixed and capable of relatively unrestricted motion;

    "free expansion" "free oxygen" "a free electron"

  3. costing nothing;

    "complimentary tickets" "free admission"

  4. not occupied or in use;

    "a free locker" "a free lane"

  5. not fixed in position;

    "the detached shutter fell on him" "he pulled his arm free and ran"

  6. not held in servitude;

    "after the Civil War he was a free man"

  7. not taken up by scheduled activities;

    "a free hour between classes" "spare time on my hands"

  8. completely wanting or lacking;

    "writing barren of insight" "young recruits destitute of experience" "innocent of literary merit" "the sentence was devoid of meaning"

  9. not literal;

    "a loose interpretation of what she had been told" "a free translation of the poem"

  1. without restraint;

    "cows in India are running loose"

  1. grant freedom to; free from confinement
  2. relieve from;

    "Rid the house of pests"

  3. remove or force out from a position;

    "The dentist dislodged the piece of food that had been stuck under my gums" "He finally could free the legs of the earthquake victim who was buried in the rubble"

  4. grant relief or an exemption from a rule or requirement to;

    "She exempted me from the exam"

  5. make (information) available for publication;

    "release the list with the names of the prisoners"

  6. free from obligations or duties
  7. free or remove obstruction from;

    "free a path across the cluttered floor"

  8. let off the hook;

    "I absolve you from this responsibility"

  9. part with a possession or right;

    "I am relinquishing my bedroom to the long-term house guest" "resign a claim to the throne"

  10. release (gas or energy) as a result of a chemical reaction or physical decomposition
  11. make (assets) available;

    "release the holdings in the dictator's bank account"


  1. free birds放飞鸟
  2. free kidnappers释放被绑架者
  3. free prisoners释放囚犯
  4. free slaves解放奴隶
  1. a bit free随便一点
  2. rather free很放肆
  3. somewhat free有点随便
  4. absolutely free完全自由
  5. comparatively free比较空
  6. completely free完全自由
  1. free animal from a trap从陷阱中放走动物
  2. free person from charge使人免受指控
  3. free oneself from debt还清债务
  4. free oneself from financial anxiety摆脱财政上的焦虑
  5. free country from oppression将国家从压迫中解放出来
  6. free person from responsibility使人摆脱责任
  7. free person from restrictions免受种种限制
  8. free of使摆拖
  9. free out of从…放出来
  1. admit free免费招待
  2. open free免费开放
  3. run free乱跑
  4. travel free免费旅行
  1. free absolutely绝对地解放
  2. free completely完全地自由
  3. free finally最终解放
  4. free gladly很高兴地释放
  5. free happily很高兴释放
  6. free independently使…独立地解放
  7. free irrepressibly无法控制地解放
  8. free luckily很幸运地释放
  9. free unaccountably无责任地释放
  10. free unbelievably不可相信地释放
  11. free unconditionally无条件地解放
  12. free unexpectedly不可盼望地释放
  13. free utterly完全地自由


  1. The prisoners wish to be free again.囚犯们希望重获自由。
  2. As a freelancer, he has more free time to himself.因为是个自由职业者,他有更多属于自己的自由时间。
  3. This service is free of charge.该服务是免费的。
  4. Is the book for free or for a charge?这本书是免费的,还是收费的?
  5. A free flow of water came from the pipe.水从管道里通畅地流了出来。
  6. The hill is completely free from trees.这个山丘上一棵树也没有。
  7. He is free from any sense of responsibility.他丝毫没有责任感。
  8. Then you need a free and undamaged landing field.然后你需要一个空闲的未损坏的机场。
  9. He spends all his free time on computer games.他所有的空闲时间都花在电子游戏上了。
  10. Friday afternoons are left free for revision.留出星期五下午的时间做复习。
  11. She is very free in discussing her personal problem.她在与人谈论自己的私事时毫无拘束。
  1. He requested that they free the hostages.他请求他们释放人质。
  2. Abraham Lincoln freed the slaves.亚伯拉罕•林肯解放了奴隶。
  3. They must free themselves from imperialist control.他们必须使自己摆脱帝国主义控制。
  4. She is making a desperate bid to free herself from a loveless marriage.她正作出不顾一切的努力去摆脱她那段没有爱情的婚姻。
  5. Relaxation exercises can free your body of tension.放松运动可以松缓身体的紧张。
  6. We freed time each week for a project meeting.我们每周都腾出时间开一次项目会议。
  7. The government has promised to free up more resources for education.政府保证调拨更多资源用于教育。
  1. Children under five usually travel free on trains.五岁以下的儿童乘火车通常免费。
  2. He made free with all his girl-friend's money.他随便花女朋友的钱。
  3. The driver had to be cut free from the wreckage of his car.破开了汽车残骸才把司机解救出来。


    free的基本意思是“自由的”,强调没有外部压迫,自己有权决定自己的行动。 free作“免费的,无偿的”“空闲的; 不忙的”解时,无比较级和最高级形式。 free作“摆脱…的; 不受…影响的”“大方的,慷慨的”解时,只用作表语。 free在句中可用作定语、表语或补语。用作定语时,一般后置,偶尔也可前置; 用作表语时,其后可接动词不定式,也可接from、in、of、with等引起的短语。
    free用作副词时有两个意思:一是指“免费地”; 二是指“自由地,无拘束地”。free引申可作“松,松弛”解。
    free的基本意思是“释放,使自由〔解放〕”,指除去或松开抑制之物而给予自由或使某物不再受限制或阻碍,主要用于表示解放某人,某事物或释放奴隶、犯人,也可指使某人或某事从某种不愉快或受限制的状况、状态中摆脱出来,还可指清除障碍物或去除缠绕。其宾语可以是人、动物或国家等,可用于被动结构。 free偶尔也可接以动词不定式充当补足语的复合宾语。 free作“使免除”解时,可用free sb of〔from〕 sth 结构。


  1. 去还是留,由你自己决定。

    You are free going or staying.

    You are free to go or to stay.

    表示“自由地去干某事”,习惯上用be free to do sth。