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美[friːz]  英[friːz]
v.  冻结;冷冻;僵硬;凝固
n.  严寒;冻结
  形容词:freezable  过去式:froze  过去分词:frozen  现在分词:freezing  第三人称单数:freezes


  1. 结冰,冻结,凝固
  2. 冷藏,冷冻
  3. 使冷冻,使结冰,使凝冻,使冻住,使凝固
  4. 冻僵,冻伤,冻死
  5. 冰冷,感到极冷
  6. 使冻僵,使冻伤,使冻死
  7. 使沮丧
  8. 使呆住
  9. 可以冷藏
  10. 呆住
  11. 战栗
  12. 变僵硬
  13. 变得不友善,高傲
  14. 用冷冻保藏
  15. 使战栗
  16. 使定格,使固定不动
  17. 不动
  18. 使变冷,使冰冷,使感到冷
  19. 冻结或封存(资金、资产、财产等)
  1. 冻结
  2. 严寒期,冰冻期,严寒
  3. 结冰,凝冻,凝固
  4. 控制球
  5. 冻害
  6. 冷藏箱
  7. 停止
  8. 霜冻,冰冻
  9. 不理睬某人的行为


  1. vi. & vt. (使)结冰 (of water) (cause to) become ice
  1. [S]严寒时期 a period of extremely cold icy weather
  2. [U][C]结冰,凝固; 冻结 ice over; a fixing of prices or wages at a certain level


  1. the withdrawal of heat to change something from a liquid to a solid
  2. weather cold enough to cause freezing
  3. an interruption or temporary suspension of progress or movement;

    "a halt in the arms race" "a nuclear freeze"

  4. fixing (of prices or wages etc) at a particular level;

    "a freeze on hiring"

  1. stop moving or become immobilized;

    "When he saw the police car he froze"

  2. change to ice;

    "The water in the bowl froze"

  3. be cold;

    "I could freeze to death in this office when the air conditioning is turned on"

  4. cause to freeze;

    "Freeze the leftover food"

  5. stop a process or a habit by imposing a freeze on it;

    "Suspend the aid to the war-torn country"

  6. be very cold, below the freezing point;

    "It is freezing in Kalamazoo"

  7. change from a liquid to a solid when cold;

    "Water freezes at 32 degrees Fahrenheit"

  8. prohibit the conversion or use of (assets);

    "Blocked funds" "Freeze the assets of this hostile government"

  9. anesthetize by cold
  10. suddenly behave coldly and formally;

    "She froze when she saw her ex-husband"


  1. freeze prices使物价冻结
  2. freeze sb's blood使某人极度恐惧,吓得某人魂不附体
  3. freeze the milk使牛奶冻结
  4. freeze wages冻结工资
  1. freeze hard冻得很硬
  2. freeze nightly在夜间冻结
  3. freeze dangerously危险地冻上了
  4. freeze seasonally及时地冻上了
  5. freeze in由于冰冻而封冻在…里面
  6. freeze off排斥,赶走
  7. freeze out排斥,赶走,冻死,〈美〉因寒冷而受阻或停止
  8. freeze over使冷,使冻结,使结冰,(表面上)全结冰
  9. freeze together冻结在一起
  10. freeze up使冻结,变呆板〔僵硬〕,(态度)变得非常冷淡,愣住
  1. freeze at在…时结冰
  2. freeze beyond recovery冻得无法恢复
  3. freeze into ice冻成冰
  4. freeze onto冻在(某物)上,〈口〉紧紧抓住
  5. freeze onto the wheel紧紧抓住方向盘
  6. freeze to冻牢在…上面,牢牢地附在…上
  7. freeze to death冻死
  8. freeze to the metal与金属冻在一起
  9. freeze with cold冷得结冰
  10. freeze with fright吓呆
  11. freeze with terror吓得脸都变形了
  1. demand a freeze on prices要求冻结物价
  2. put a freeze on new construction对新的建设项目实行冻结
  1. nuclear freeze核冻结
  2. pay freeze工资冻结
  3. price freeze物价冻结
  4. wages freeze工资冻结


  1. Water freezes at the temperature of 0 degrees Celsius.水在摄氏零度结冰。
  2. We ate some of the fruits and froze the rest.我们吃了一些水果,把剩下的冷藏起来。
  3. They freeze this theory to death.他们把这个理论僵化了。
  4. The quality of the imagination is to flow and not to freeze.想象的特点是流动,而不是凝固。
  1. He slipped and broke his leg during the big freeze.他在严寒期间滑倒,摔断了腿。
  2. The freeze caused many problems in the small town.严寒冰冻给这座小镇带来许多麻烦。
  3. The government has introduced a wage freeze.政府已宣布要冻结工资。


    freeze的基本意思是“结冰,冻结”“(使)冻僵,寒冷”,引申可表示对财政、金融或工资进行冻结,有时也可表示人像被冻结似的呆滞。 freeze主要用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语,也可接以形容词充当补足语的复合宾语,常用于被动结构。 freeze后接with或in,表示“因…而冻僵或战栗”; 后接out,表示“挤掉,撵走”; 后接over表示“(湖水等)为冰所封”。
    freeze作“严寒时期”解时,只用作单数名词,可跟不定冠词a连用。 freeze作“冻结”解时,指的是对工资、物价的冻结,可用作不可数名词,也可用作可数名词。


  1. 今天非常冷,你最好穿上大衣。

    Today it is frozen cold, and you had better put on your coat.

    Today it is freezing cold, and you had better put on your coat.

    frozen是freeze的过去分词,常表被动意义,作“被…冻”“让…受冻”解; 而freezing是freeze的现在分词,常用于主动语态,强调“冷”的程度。