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美['ɡeɪlf'ɔːs]  英['ɡeɪlf'ɔːs]
adj.  强风的; 大风的


  1. After a day of gale force winds and driving rain I was soaking. 在一天的狂风暴雨后,我已经成了落汤鸡。
  2. Cyclonic gale force winds (or above) are expected to blow in Hong Kong. 香港将吹烈风程度或以上的旋风。
  3. One night the winds raged, the clouds burst and a gale force storm capsized a fishing boat at sea. 有一天晚上风刮得很猛,阴云密布。突然,一阵大风浪袭来,掀翻了在海上作业的一条渔船。
  4. One night the winds raged,the clouds burst and a gale force storm capsized a fishing boat at sea. 有一天晚上风刮得很猛,阴云密布。突然,一阵大风浪袭来,掀翻了在海上作业的一条渔船。
  5. But the influence of Italian masters blew at gale force across 17th-century Dutch painting. 但是意大利的大师们对17世纪荷兰画坛影响巨大。
  6. NW winds are expected to reach gale force or above, turning counterclockwise to SW gradually. 香港将普遍吹西北烈风(或更强),逐渐以反时针方向转为西南风。