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美[ˌhaɪpə'feɪdʒɪə]  英[ˌhaɪpə'feɪdʒɪə]
n.  摄食过量;食欲过盛


  1. But while Kane's life has changed, efforts to understand and treat hyperphagia have progressed more slowly. 五年前,大家都在关注生长激素释放肽,它由消化道产生并能有助于调节饥饿感。
  2. Such obesity cannot be considered to be the result of hyperphagia, and is considered as a primary metabolic effect of the lesions. 此结果证明下视丘腹内侧核破坏后之大白鼠可不呈贪食现象而变胖,故变胖可能并非贪食之结果。
  3. The intestine of the rat lengthened with development in the control rat and in addition of an added requirement in rats with resection with or without hyperphagia. 对照组鼠小肠因发育而增长,实验组鼠小肠不论是否贪食,因小肠截除后需要的增加而增长。
  4. Kane's father, Jim Kane of Towson, this month helped organize a conference for researchers who work with genetic disorders that are characterized by hyperphagia. 如果他们能发现患有贪食症的人群的生理学、遗传学及化学病因,这就能为广大人群对抗肥胖提供潜在的可能。
  5. This was interpreted as to mean that ventromedial lesions in weanling rats also have caused hyperphagia although the overeating may be masked by the concommitant growth hormone insufficiency. 此种破坏引起断奶幼鼠贪食现象似无问题,但贪食现象可被其它因素如生长发育素分泌不佳所掩蔽。