美['aɪæmb] 英['aɪæmb]
n. 抑扬格;短长格
Noun- a metrical unit with unstressed-stressed syllables
- Abel carried into the presence of God the Iamb which was to die in his place. 亚伯把羔羊带到神的面前,宰杀牠来赎自己的罪。
- A metrical foot consisting of a trochee followed by an iamb, much used in Greek and Latin poetry. 长短短长格由长短格音步在前、短长格随后而构成的一种有韵律的音步,多用于希腊和拉丁语的诗文中
- A metrical foot consisting of a trochee followed by an iamb,much used in Greek and Latin poetry. 长短短长格由长短格音步在前、短长格随后而构成的一种有韵律的音步,多用于希腊和拉丁语的诗文中
- A Iamb had to be purchased and roasted together with unleavened bread, bitter herbs and other items. 他们要买一只羊,然后烤了,与无酵饼和苦菜同吃。那个男人究竟是谁?
- Moriah, the Passover Iamb in Egypt, the endless procession of innocent animals on the altar. 以色列民在逾越节的晚上,宰杀羔羊来替代长子被杀;
- The same truth is foreshadowed in so many ways in the Old Testament - Abraham's Iamb which replaced Isaac on Mt. 旧约出现许多类似的预表,包括神为亚伯拉罕预备了一只羊羔,让它替代以撒作为祭牲献上;