Grammatically right but idiomatically wrong. 文法上对,但惯用法上错。
But who will help you correct if you don't speak idiomatically? 但如果你没有用习惯性地用短语表达自己的话谁又能帮你更正这个习惯呢?
I an English teacher. I want to make my English fluently and idiomatically. 我是深圳的英语老师,想找一个英语为母语的人联系口语。
The ubiquitous mouse input device is not metaphoric of anything, but rather is learned idiomatically. 无所不在的鼠标输入设备没有任何隐喻;相反,是习惯用法的学习。
Windows, title bars, close boxes, screen-splitters, hyperlinks, and drop-downs are things we learn idiomatically rather than intuit metaphorically. 窗口、标题栏、关闭框、屏幕分割器、超链接和下拉菜单都是我们学习过的习惯用法,而不是具有隐喻意义的直觉。
It is always better to design idiomatically, using metaphors only when a truly appropriate and powerful one falls in our lap. 习惯用法的设计总是更好,只有在非常合适,并且发现了非常强大的隐喻时,才使用隐喻。