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美['lɔːɡəɡræm]  英['lɒɡəɡræm]
n.  标记;简写;速记用略字
  形容词:logogrammatic  副词:logogrammatically


  1. a single written symbol that represents an entire word or phrase without indicating its pronunciation;

    "7 is a logogram that is pronounced `seven' in English and `nanatsu' in Japanese"


  1. What is logogram of antibody of second liver surface? 乙肝表面抗体简写是什么?
  2. ACP is the logogram of English of area of Africa, Caribbean, Pacific Area. ACP是非洲、加勒比地区、太平洋地区英文的简写。
  3. Finally, for certain animals, the sex of the animal can be marked by extra strokes to the logogram. 最后,对有些动物来说,可以通过语标符号上的一些小修改来区分动物的性别。
  4. The B in BOT is Build(construction) English logogram, o represents Operate(operation) , t is to show Transfer(turns over) . BOT中的B是Build(建设)的英文简写,O代表Operate(运营),T是指Transfer(移交)。
  5. We decompose to compare number first (be logogram, set this to be R than number) , namely R = in those days present price G.. 我们先来分解一个比数(为简写之便,设该比数为R),即R=当年现价G.
  6. In some lists the middle columns is an Akkadian logogram, the last column gives apparently the Akkadian meaning written phonetically and corresponding to the logogram. 在一些列表中,中间几列是阿卡德语的语标符号,最后一列很明显是阿卡德语,按照发音来写,与语标符号相对应。