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美[loʊ]  英[ləʊ]
adj.  低的;少的;低落的;低声的;卑劣的;低等的
adv.  低地;低声地;低下地;廉价地
n.  低水平;低价;低谷
v.  哞哞叫
  比较级:lower  最高级:lowest  名词:lowness  过去式:lowed  过去分词:lowed  现在分词:lowing  第三人称单数:lows


  1. 低的,矮的
  2. 低等的,低下的
  3. 卑劣的
  4. 虚弱的,体质弱的,营养差的
  5. 不足的,少的
  6. 低声的
  7. 情绪低落的,消沉的,沮丧的
  8. 浅的
  9. 粗俗的
  10. 贬的
  11. 小的
  12. 离地面近的
  13. 缩减的
  1. 低声地,以低音调,小声地
  2. 低,不高,低矮
  3. 低价地
  4. 程度低地
  5. 卑微地,下贱地,卑下地
  6. 在靠近…底部的位置
  7. 向…底部
  8. 低于通常的水平
  9. 向下地,往下地
  10. 在低处
  11. 地位低下地
  12. 卑劣地
  1. 低点,低水平
  2. 低速
  3. 低速齿轮
  4. 【气】低气压区
  5. 艰难时期
  6. 低谷
  7. 低数目
  8. 最低水准,最低水平
  9. 低地
  10. 最低分数
  11. 得分最低的人
  12. 最小王牌
  13. 低的事物
  14. 哞,牛叫声
  1. 哞哞叫
  2. 发出(牛叫声)


  1. 低的,矮的 not high or tall
  2. 低下的,低等的 ranking below others in importance or quality
  3. 粗劣的,低俗的 vulgar or coarse
  4. 意志消沉的,情绪低落的 lacking in vigour, feeble or depressed
  1. 低 a low level or position
  2. 低声的 not at a high pitch;quietly
  1. [C]低点,低水平 low level or figure


  1. an air mass of lower pressure; often brings precipitation;

    "a low moved in over night bringing sleet and snow"

  2. British political cartoonist (born in New Zealand) who created the character Colonel Blimp (1891-1963)
  3. a low level or position or degree;

    "the stock market fell to a new low"

  4. the lowest forward gear ratio in the gear box of a motor vehicle; used to start a car moving
  1. less than normal in degree or intensity or amount;

    "low prices" "the reservoir is low"

  2. literal meanings; being at or having a relatively small elevation or upward extension;

    "low ceilings" "low clouds" "low hills" "the sun is low" "low furniture" "a low bow"

  3. very low in volume;

    "a low murmur" "the low-toned murmur of the surf"

  4. unrefined in character;

    "low comedy"

  5. used of sounds and voices; low in pitch or frequency
  6. of the most contemptible kind;

    "abject cowardice" "a low stunt to pull" "a low-down sneak" "his miserable treatment of his family" "You miserable skunk!" "a scummy rabble" "a scurvy trick"

  7. low or inferior in station or quality;

    "a humble cottage" "a lowly parish priest" "a modest man of the people" "small beginnings"

  8. no longer sufficient;

    "supplies are low" "our funds are depleted"

  9. subdued or brought low in condition or status;

    "brought low" "a broken man" "his broken spirit"

  10. filled with melancholy and despondency ;

    "gloomy at the thought of what he had to face" "gloomy predictions" "a gloomy silence" "took a grim view of the economy" "the darkening mood" "lonely and blue in a strange city" "depressed by the loss of his job" "a dispirited and resigned expression on her face" "downcast after his defeat" "feeling discouraged and downhearted"

  1. in a low position; near the ground;

    "the branches hung low"

  1. make a low noise, characteristic of bovines


  1. low birth出身低贱的
  2. low cloud低云
  3. low grade低级
  4. low land洼地
  5. low manner粗俗的举止
  6. low opinion评价低,轻视
  7. low state of health身体虚弱
  8. low shoe浅口鞋
  9. low spirits无精打采,情绪低落
  10. low taste低级趣味
  11. low taxes低税
  12. low temperature低温
  13. low tree矮树丛
  14. low trick卑鄙的手段
  15. low voice低声
  16. low wall矮墙
  1. fell to low跌到最低点
  2. reach low下跌到最低点
  1. extremely low非常低
  1. low in fat低脂肪
  2. low in the neck领口低的连衣裙
  3. low on coal缺乏煤
  4. low with an illness因病身体虚弱
  1. marshy low沼泽低洼地
  2. record low创纪录的低水平
  1. shift from low to high从低速挡换到高速挡
  2. winds in a low低气压的风


  1. The price they quoted was very low.他们报的价很低。
  2. Shadows are longer when the sun is low in the sky.太阳很低时,物体的影子就很长。
  3. We must reorder these items because stock gets low.我们必须再订购这些物品,因为库存越来越少了。
  4. He'd play the violin when he was in low spirits.他情绪低落的时候就拉小提琴。
  5. There was a low murmur of conversation in the hall.大厅里有窃窃私语声。
  6. That was a low trick.那是个卑劣的把戏。
  7. He low family background couldn't hinder his success.他卑微的出身并不能阻挡他的成功。
  1. The sun hung low over the misted valley.太阳低悬在薄雾笼罩的山谷之上。
  2. I asked them to turn the volume down low.我叫他们把音量调低一点。
  3. Many rich families were brought low by the financial crisis.很多富户都因那次金融危机而家道中落。
  1. The value of the pound has fallen to a new low against the dollar.英镑兑换美元的比值已经跌倒新的低点。
  2. Share prices hit an all-time low.股价达到历史新低。
  3. He's experienced all the highs and lows of an actor's life.作为一名演员,他已经经历了人生中无数的起起落落。


    low的基本意思是“低的,矮的”,可指有形物的高低,也可指在重要性或质量上低于或劣于其他物体。还可作“不足的,低落的,不好的,体质弱的”解。 low在句中可作定语或表语。
    low作“低点,低水平,低气压”解,是可数名词。 low作“(机器运转)低速挡”解,是不可数名词。